Your Mind Is So Powerful That You Can Create Your Own Reality
You must know that so that you can use it wisely. Maybe you desire to shift your reality so that you can create a reality that you love. One that you love waking up to and one that fits who you are and what you’re here to do. A life that you’re proud of, one that you have full love for and enjoy waking up to. In order to do that, you have to get aligned with what it is you really want.
I want you to have all that you desire and to help you accomplish the best way I can. To simplify this for you, I’m sharing with you 7 ways to create your own reality so you can wake up everyday in the life of your dreams.
I share this from experience as I have been co-creating my reality with the force of the universe even before I knew what I was doing. This is something near and dear to my heart because I know just how powerful and real it is, and I want you to know as well.
I remember when I first started out on my conscious journey to create my own reality. It was exciting and scary at the same time. I was so curious as to how the process worked, and there was so much information surrounding it that is was overwhelming and confusing. I wished that I had a guide that laid the steps out so that I could understand and learn it for myself and change my life in a drastic way.
While I never found a complete guide to creating my own reality, through the years I’ve learned so many wonderful tips and techniques that have helped me quantum shift my own life.
The tips below will help you quantum shift your life as well, if you follow the steps and believe that it’s possible for you.

Get Clear On What You Desire
When it comes to creating your own reality, you have to know what you want in order to have it.. We live in a time where our attention is split in so many directions that it can be hard to distinguish between what you truly want and what is simply presented to you or desired due to social media influence and other factors.
With so many people showcasing their lives, it’s easy to start desiring what they have. But is that really what you want? Or are you only desiring it because it looks appealing? It’s crucial to get very clear on your true desires as you create your reality and manifest your dreams. What’s meant for you will come to you as long as you stay focused on your authentic desires when creating your reality.

Use Gratitude and Positive Thoughts
Whenever we are working with spiritual law and the laws of the universe, the second important thing is gratitude and positive thoughts. When working with spiritual laws, it’s essential to begin with gratitude for what you already have and maintain a mindset that enhances your life rather than diminishes it.
Gratitude attracts more of the same into your life. This doesn’t mean that you can’t strive for more or change things; in fact, being grateful for what you have will bring even more abundance into your life.
Start by appreciating simple things like waking up in the morning, having a healthy body, a home, family, nature – find something to be grateful for every day and express gratitude as if it has already manifested in your life.
Also, have positive thoughts – positive thoughts are another way that as you are manifesting and creating your own reality, you want to think about what you desire in the positive present tense. You want to think about your life and what you currently have in a positive way.
That’s not to say that challenges won’t arise because they will; challenges are part of this life journey but know that they can be overcome. I have found personally in my life that I overcome obstacles when I focus on the good that is happening for me currently.
It’s important to focus on what is going right instead of dwelling on the things that you want to change. This will cause huge shifts when you are creating your reality.

Focus On What You Desire
This builds off of step number two. You want to focus on what it is you desire instead of putting your focus on what it is you don’t want anymore. Shift so that you are looking at and seeing what you desire. Shift it so that you begin to reality shift and create your own reality as you desire it.
As you do this you’re going to start to see clues of what it is you’re desiring showing up. You begin to see the shift as it’s happening, The universe gives signs and synchronicities along the way like breadcrumbs. So, focus on what you desire and the desire will begin to unfold in front of your eyes

Do Your Shadow Work
This is something that I have taught a lot about a lot through the years as an emotional healer and subconscious mind coach. You must heal your emotional and mental trauma. Heal your mind. Heal the side of yourself that was invisible for so long.You do all of your healing through your shadow self. This is very important.
You can have very good success and outcomes when creating your reality without healing your shadow self, but what I do know is that when you heal, the life you are manifesting and creating is not a temporary thing like it can be whenever you don’t heal your shadow self. It’s permanent because you’ve uncovered the unconscious beliefs, ways and patterns that have kept you at the place you’re at for so long.
I go deeper into healing your shadow self in my class, Shadow Work: Understanding and Healing Your Shadow Self. This is an on demand class, that walks you through the entire process of healing your shadows. You’ll learn how repressed and unhealed shadows have been running your life, how to heal your shadows in a safe and effective way, and techniques to maintain healed shadows throughout your life. Gain instant access here.

Journal, Visualize and Affirm Your Way To Creating Your New Reality
These are techniques to help you as you create your reality. Journaling, visualization, and affirming are spiritual techniques that you can use as you write your new reality called life scripting. These techniques help you visualize and see yourself in the state that you want to be and affirm it by speaking out your affirmations in the positive present tense. Visualize yourself in the desired state and affirm it by speaking positive affirmations in the present tense.
I’m creating a series on my YouTube channel with affirmations looped to help you manifest your desires. Put these on repeat and play anytime especially before you drift off to sleep. As you listen to the affirmations, you are reprogramming your subconscious mind. Speaking them out loud amplifies them.

Become The Version Of Yourself That Has Your Desired New Reality
You become this through your thoughts, feelings, and actions. You can do all the techniques; getting clear on your desires, focusing and healing, but eventually, you have to become the version of yourself that has what you desire.
To shift into become the version of yourself that has the reality you desire you literally start carrying yourself in the manner that the person who has what you desire would and live life as that version of you would. You must become that person.
This is a challenge for many people because when they hear “become that person,” it is hard to imagine what it’s like to literally become the version of yourself that has what you want now. The beauty in this is that you are creating your own reality so however the version of you that has what you desire acts, is completely up to you. What you imagine is what you will become.
Start to think from the place of having what you desire. Take inspired action whenever you are led in the direction of the person who has what they desire. Make decisions from the place of being the person who has what they desire. This causes a monumental shift, like a level up game-changer, and when you do that, you begin to see reality shift even faster.

Follow The Clues And Take Inspired Action When Creating Your New Reality
There is a difference between when you are goal-setting, writing a to-do list, and wanting to do something. When you approach things from a spiritual standpoint, it is important to get your spirit and your mind aligned first. Then take inspired action when you’re led to do so.
You will get clues along the way. Taking inspired action will streamline and shift your reality in a spiritual way then physical instead of forcing then physically in order to see your desired change. This way you will drastically and dramatically shift and create your own reality when you are led by Spirit.